Blue Montana Sapphire Set | Matched Oval 3 Pieces Suite “Luminaire” Cut | 3.04cts total | #12-277


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Montana Sapphire Oval “Luminaire” Cut Suite
Weight: 3.04 cts total
Measurements: 7.2×5.4mm, depth 3.8mm
Measurements: 6.6×5.2mm, depth 3.5mm
Clarity: VVS
Origin: Montana, USA
Enhancements: Heat only

Description: Beautiful and hard to find matched suite of Montana sapphire ovals. Perfect for a pendant and earrings set, or a 3 stone ring. Color is a beautiful medium blue with a slight touch of green in daylight, shifting silvery blue under artificial light. Excellent cut and clarity (Cut by Andrew Gulij). Pantone coated color card: No match

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